Das Stasi-Museum befindet sich im Haus 1 auf dem ehemaligen Gelände der Zentrale des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit (MfS) der DDR. Zu besichtigen ist die neue Ausstellung "Staatssicherheit in der SED-Diktatur". Auf drei Etagen können Sie sich über die Entwicklung, die Funktion und die Arbeitsweise der Staatssicherheit informieren.

× Images from the Secret Stasi Archives. First of all, I am dumping quite a lot of material here, not because this is the way I would present my work in a show, but rather since I think that is very important to make as much material accessible as possible. Surveillance has … Piecing Together the Dark Legacy of East Germany's Secret But a few days after demonstrators breached the Stasi front gate, the archives still hadn't been found. A citizen group coalesced, determined to track them down. Among the searchers was a 23-year Spy Camp: Photos From East Germany’s Secret Intelligence

Its discovery among the last five-percent of the Stasi archives in Dresden still being processed helped provoke more of a media sensation than this story deserved. Image: A photo ID card issued to a young Vladimir V. Putin by the Stasi. Source: BStU, MfS, BV Dresden, HA KuSch, Nr. 7216, pp. 4a-4b. Credit. Cr

Stasi Archives - Allen West for State Chair

Tag: Stasi. 20 May. Texas’ New Stasi Surveillance Force . During my first Army duty assignment in Vicenza, Italy, I had the opportunity, twice, to go through Checkpoint Charlie into East Berlin. Imagine being a young 24-year-old from the inner city of Atlanta, and the lasting impression left by walking the same streets with Soviet officers

Stasi archives Archives - GlobalSport Matters Nov 06, 2019 Stasimuseum Berlin in der Zentrale des MfS