Sep 04, 2019 · Can IP address be traced? Well, as you can see, your IP address can indeed be traced. But if you use a proxy server, you can protect your IP from hackers and prying eyes. So, what are your thoughts regarding all this? Can IP address be traced if you’re using a proxy? Leave a comment below and let us know if you have any queries or suggestions.

May 18, 2018 · No, the police can ask Facebook directly. They don't have to attempt to log into that account themselves. They have a screencap of the username, date/time, and the particular comment/conversation that happened. That's all they need. "Duplicate" usernames or not, Facebook knows the IP address it came from. Yours. As you can see it is quite easy to send emails without being traced and with an advanced level of security; using a VPN is the most reliable method and can also have other uses like browsing the web anonymously or for online streaming, the other methods stated do have their merits too however so the choices are there. By searching IP registration databases it is possible to determine who owns an IP address block. Databases are available on the Internet for the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific regions. Sophisticated computer break-ins sometimes include an attempt to erase the IP addresses captured by the log files to prevent this type of lookup. Ohh and FYI, unless you are running some type of anonymous routing or proxy system, if you are successfully downloading data off of a p2p network right now, PEOPLE CAN SEE YOUR IP ADDRESS. Look at it sort of like a telephone.

They can get the IP address or other information about the computer or location from which the account was created, and they could potentially use it to locate you. It's not something that's taken lightly, but if crime warrants it, it is certainly possible.

Mar 28, 2011 · When the IP address lease is eligible for renewal, the client will ask the server if it can keep the existing IP address. If the server okays the request, the client keeps the same address. For continually connected networks, such as DSL and cable, you're typically not going to see a lot of change in the DHCP assigned IP address.

In addition to that, wi-fi routers act as a hardware firewall for your devices. They typically randomly assign you only a “local” IP address and then route the outbound traffic to a modem, which is the only device on the network which has a unique, traceable, and geo-specific IP address.

May 18, 2018 · No, the police can ask Facebook directly. They don't have to attempt to log into that account themselves. They have a screencap of the username, date/time, and the particular comment/conversation that happened. That's all they need. "Duplicate" usernames or not, Facebook knows the IP address it came from. Yours. As you can see it is quite easy to send emails without being traced and with an advanced level of security; using a VPN is the most reliable method and can also have other uses like browsing the web anonymously or for online streaming, the other methods stated do have their merits too however so the choices are there.