Dec 15, 2017

Why Net Neutrality Matters | WIRED Dec 14, 2017 Canada Rules To Uphold Net Neutrality - Slashdot According to a new ruling by Canada's telecommunications regulator, internet service providers should not be able to exempt certain types of content, such as streaming music or video, from counting toward a person's data cap.The ruling upholds net neutrality, which is the principle that all web services should be treated equally by providers. reports: "Rather than offering its Canada's Parliament Votes to Protect Net Neutrality Nationwide Jun 04, 2018

The FCC's upcoming vote on whether to repeal "net neutrality" in the U.S. could have sweeping implications for Americans, but Canadians also have a lot to lose.

11+ Pros and Cons of Net Neutrality in 2020 – Mageplaza Net neutrality, by principle, is the original idea for the use of the internet, ie the fact that no Internet Service Provider has the right to prioritize one website or source over another. Through this, ISPs are obligated to treat all internet traffic equally. A 'Huge Win' for Net Neutrality in Canada | Common Dreams News Apr 21, 2017

Bell is Canada’s largest telecommunications company, and it raked in $22 billion last year in profit. If Bell manages to get this proposal approved, it won't stop there. Blocking one type of content opens the door to more, and is one step closer to ending net neutrality and greater corporate control over our in

Dec 14, 2017 Canada Rules To Uphold Net Neutrality - Slashdot